19 October 2007

Hello form Paul

Hey everybody! First of all, I thought we did a very nice job last night at rehearsal for the most part. Kjerstie and I have a VERY rigorous rehearsal schedule put together, and it is very important that we stay focused and working hard. I know we can be even more focused and productive, and we will be pushing for that, but good work last night. Get off book so we can really start to have fun and play. Below is a really great demo of one of the hundreds of forms of Tai Chi. Notice the smooth, connected movement and where the man is focused. http://youtube.com/watch?v=nprZhmfpH40 Also, I tend to get very excited and focused on my objectives during rehearsals, and sometimes neglect to give casts a "big picture" about what is going on. First of all, the choreography we have done thus far is heavily rooted in Tai Chi. The choreography, like the music, will be a bit eclectic, and we will be doing VERY different movement for the other numbers(a little more "dancey"). Please get written in stone off book, so we can start polishing it here or there. We are doing that number for our Winter Concert. Thanks again for your hard work.

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